Driving directions from Água Branca, Brazil to Monsenhor Gil, Brazil distance

Água Branca, Brazil
Head north on Av. João Ferreira toward R. Antonio C Soares 0.3 km
Turn left onto Av. Neco Teixeira 0.9 km
Turn right onto BR-343 14.8 km
Turn left onto BR-316/BR-343 24.6 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto PI-223 0.2 km
Turn left onto R. Jose Noronha 7 m
Turn right to stay on R. Jose Noronha 0.5 km
Turn left onto R. Raimundo Miguel
Destination will be on the right
56 m
Monsenhor Gil, Brazil
Map data ©2023
Água Branca to Monsenhor Gil road map

Água Branca to Monsenhor Gil flight distance miles / km

22.7 mi / 36.6 km
Also see in Brazil

Água Branca to Monsenhor Gil car distance km / miles

41.3 km / 25.7 miles

Água Branca to Monsenhor Gil driving time

38 minutes

Água Branca to Monsenhor Gil average speed

63.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

3.10 liters

Fuel price calculator

4.64 €