Driving directions from Changchun, China to Yitong, China distance

Changchun, China
Head northeast 46 m
Slight right toward 人民大街 81 m
Turn right toward 人民大街 60 m
Turn right toward 人民大街 45 m
Turn right onto 人民大街 0.3 km
Keep left to stay on 人民大街 5.0 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on 人民大街 2.4 km
Keep right to stay on 人民大街 0.4 km
Turn right to merge onto 102线/南四环路/盛世大路 1.2 km
Make a U-turn 0.4 km
Turn right onto 新明街 1.3 km
Turn left onto 金宇大路 0.5 km
Take the ramp to S26抚长高速/长营高速/S26 0.3 km
Keep left to continue toward S26抚长高速/长营高速/S26
Partial toll road
0.4 km
Continue straight onto S26抚长高速/长营高速/S26
Toll road
48.4 km
Take exit S206/双阳/伊通 toward 002县道/206省道/九开公路/S206/X002
Partial toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork to continue toward 002县道/206省道/九开公路/S206/X002 0.3 km
Turn left onto 002县道/206省道/九开公路/S206/X002 0.3 km
Turn left onto 002县道/长营大街/S103/X002 1.9 km
Slight right onto 人民大路 0.2 km
Slight right to stay on 人民大路 2.6 km
Turn left onto 098乡道/伊通大街/Y098 1.2 km
Turn right 0.4 km
Turn left at the 1st cross street 0.7 km
Yitong, China
Map data ©2017
Changchun to Yitong road map

Changchun to Yitong flight distance miles / km

38.3 mi / 61.6 km
Also see in China

Changchun to Yitong car distance km / miles

68.7 km / 42.7 miles

Changchun to Yitong driving time

1 hours 17 minutes

Changchun to Yitong average speed

53.0 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

5.16 liters

Fuel price calculator

7.73 €