Driving directions from Chuanbu, China to Sihe, China distance

Chuanbu, China
Head north on 905乡道/Y905 toward 872乡道/Y872 0.2 km
Turn right onto 872乡道/Y872 0.1 km
Turn left onto 369省道/S369 0.4 km
Turn left onto 927乡道/Y927 4.4 km
Turn left onto 280省道/369省道/S280/S369
Continue to follow 280省道/S280
9.9 km
Turn left onto 462县道/X462 11.1 km
Turn left onto 346乡道/Y346 1.1 km
Sihe, China
Map data ©2017
Chuanbu to Sihe road map

Chuanbu to Sihe flight distance miles / km

8.5 mi / 13.7 km
Also see in China

Chuanbu to Sihe car distance km / miles

27.2 km / 16.9 miles

Chuanbu to Sihe driving time

43 minutes

Chuanbu to Sihe average speed

37.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

2.04 liters

Fuel price calculator

3.06 €