Driving directions from Fort Worth, United States to New York City, United States distance

Fort Worth, United States
Head south on South Fwy toward Elmwood Ave 0.9 mi
Turn left onto E Morningside Dr 213 ft
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto South Fwy 0.2 mi
Take the ramp on the left onto I-35W N 2.0 mi
Take exit 51C to merge onto I-30 E toward Dallas 12.6 mi
Keep right at the fork to stay on I-30 E 25.5 mi
Keep left at the fork to stay on I-30 E
Parts of this road may be closed at certain times or days
Entering Arkansas
308 mi
Take exit 138A for I-440 E toward L.R. National Airport/L.R. River Prt/Memphis 1.0 mi
Continue onto I-440 E 9.0 mi
Take exit 11 to merge onto I-40 E toward Memphis 121 mi
Keep left at the fork to continue on I-40, follow signs for Memphis/Nashville
Entering Tennessee
9.9 mi
Keep right to stay on I-40, follow signs for Nashville 204 mi
Keep left to continue on I-40 E 1.8 mi
Take exit 208A to merge onto I-40 E/I-65 S toward Huntsville/Knoxville 2.2 mi
Keep left at the fork to continue on I-40 E, follow signs for I-24 E/Knoxville/Chattanooga 3.1 mi
Keep left to stay on I-40 E, follow signs for Interstate 40 E/Knoxville 208 mi
Take exit 421 on the left for I-81 N toward Bristol 0.7 mi
Continue onto I-81 N
Entering Virginia
156 mi
Keep left to stay on I-81 N 140 mi
Keep left to stay on I-81 N, follow signs for Winchester
Passing through West Virginia, Maryland
Entering Pennsylvania
210 mi
Keep left to stay on I-81 N, follow signs for I-78/Hazleton/Allentown 19.1 mi
Take exit 89 for Interstate 78 E toward Allentown 0.7 mi
Continue onto I-78 E 50.2 mi
Keep left at the fork to stay on I-78 E
Entering New Jersey
74.6 mi
Keep left at the fork to continue on I-78 Express E/Phillipsburg–Newark Expy
Toll road
10.1 mi
I-78 Express E/Phillipsburg–Newark Expy turns left and becomes I-78 E/Phillipsburg–Newark Expy
Toll road
0.1 mi
Keep left to stay on I-78 E
Toll road
Parts of this road may be closed at certain times or days
Entering New York
10.3 mi
I-78 E turns slightly right and becomes Holland Tunnel
May be closed at certain times or days
0.1 mi
Take exit 4 toward Downtown
May be closed at certain times or days
161 ft
Turn right onto Varick St 0.2 mi
Slight right onto W Broadway 0.1 mi
Turn left at the 3rd cross street onto Duane St 0.2 mi
Turn right onto Broadway
Destination will be on the left
381 ft
New York City, United States
Map data ©2022 Google
Fort Worth to New York City road map

Fort Worth to New York City flight distance miles / km

1,398.7 mi / 2,251.1 km
Also see in United States

Fort Worth to New York City car distance km / miles

2,545.3 km / 1,581.6 miles

Fort Worth to New York City driving time

23 hours 29 minutes

Fort Worth to New York City average speed

108.4 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

190.90 liters

Fuel price calculator

286.35 €