Driving directions from Khulm, Afghanistan to Baghlān, Afghanistan distance

Khulm, Afghanistan
Head south 0.1 km
Turn right 1.7 km
Turn left onto A-76 135 km
Sharp left onto AH7 21.2 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the left
0.7 km
Baghlān, Afghanistan
Map data ©2017 Google
Khulm to Baghlān road map

Khulm to Baghlān flight distance miles / km

68.5 mi / 110.2 km
Also see in Afghanistan

Khulm to Baghlān car distance km / miles

158.4 km / 98.4 miles

Khulm to Baghlān driving time

2 hours 17 minutes

Khulm to Baghlān average speed

69.3 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

11.88 liters

Fuel price calculator

17.82 €