Driving directions from Luohe, China to Shangqiao, China distance

Luohe, China
Head south toward 八一路 61 m
Turn left onto 八一路 0.5 km
Turn left onto 解放南路 2.1 km
Continue onto 解放北路 3.3 km
Turn left onto 龙江西路/S238 0.8 km
Turn right onto 李漯路/Y014 9.1 km
Turn left onto 后魏线/后魏路/孟田大道/X008
Continue to follow 后魏线/后魏路/X008
5.4 km
Turn right onto G107 1.5 km
Turn left onto 后魏线/X008 1.6 km
Turn left onto Y002 0.6 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Shangqiao, China
Map data ©2022
Luohe to Shangqiao road map

Luohe to Shangqiao flight distance miles / km

11.0 mi / 17.7 km
Also see in China

Luohe to Shangqiao car distance km / miles

25.3 km / 15.7 miles

Luohe to Shangqiao driving time

51 minutes

Luohe to Shangqiao average speed

29.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.90 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.85 €