Driving directions from Mahilyow, Belarus to Gomel, Belarus distance

Mahilyow, Belarus
Head northwest toward вуліца Першамайская/ул. Первомайская 0.1 km
Turn left onto вуліца Першамайская/ул. Первомайская 0.7 km
Turn left onto вуліца Ціміразеўская/ул. Тимирязевская 1.0 km
Continue onto вуліца Сувораўская/улица Суворовская 0.2 km
Turn left onto праспект Міру/проспект Мира 0.2 km
Turn right onto вулiца Каралёва/улица Королёва 0.6 km
Keep left to stay on вулiца Каралёва/улица Королёва 3.0 km
Take the ramp to праспект Дзімітрава/проспект Димитрова 0.2 km
Keep left and merge onto праспект Дзімітрава/проспект Димитрова 2.1 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto ш. Гомельское 3.3 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit 7.5 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto M8/Е95 69.2 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on M8/Е95 68.2 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on M8/Е95 12.0 km
Keep left to stay on M8/Е95 0.4 km
Take the ramp onto Е271/М5 10.6 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto праспект Касманаўтаў/просп. Космонавтов 3.5 km
Continue onto вуліца Багдана Хмяльніцкага/ул. Богдана Хмельницкого 0.6 km
Turn right onto вуліца Пятроўскага/ул. Петровского
Destination will be on the left
61 m
Gomel, Belarus
Map data ©2022 Google
Mahilyow to Gomel road map

Mahilyow to Gomel flight distance miles / km

105.7 mi / 170.1 km
Also see in Belarus

Mahilyow to Gomel car distance km / miles

183.7 km / 114.1 miles

Mahilyow to Gomel driving time

2 hours 36 minutes

Mahilyow to Gomel average speed

70.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

13.78 liters

Fuel price calculator

20.67 €