Driving directions from Nyinma, China to Tianjin, China distance

Nyinma, China
Head north toward 北环路/古拉路 83 m
Turn right onto 北环路/古拉路 0.5 km
Turn left onto 204省道/尕玛路/忠干路/S204
Continue to follow 204省道/S204
50.0 km
Continue straight to stay on 204省道/S204 76 m
Turn left onto 213国道/G213
Partial toll road
118 km
Turn left onto the ramp to S2兰郎高速/S2 90 m
Keep left to continue toward S2兰郎高速/S2 0.1 km
At 合作南收费站, continue onto S2兰郎高速/S2
Toll road
169 km
Take the exit on the left onto G75兰海高速/G75
Partial toll road
57.5 km
Turn right onto 兰工坪南街 1.7 km
Turn right onto 212国道/兰工坪路/G212
Continue to follow 212国道/G212
1.7 km
Continue onto 小西湖黄河大桥 0.3 km
Slight right to merge onto 北滨河中路 4.0 km
Turn left to merge onto 109国道/佛慈大街/G109 1.4 km
Continue straight to stay on 109国道/佛慈大街/G109
Continue to follow 109国道/G109
5.1 km
Turn right to merge onto G30连霍高速/G30
Partial toll road
14.3 km
Take the exit toward G6京藏高速/G6
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto G6京藏高速/G6
Toll road
273 km
Take the exit toward G2012定武高速/盐中高速/G2012
Toll road
0.7 km
Continue onto G2012定武高速/盐中高速/G2012
Toll road
159 km
Take exit 靖边/太原 to merge onto G20青银高速/G20
Toll road
132 km
Take the exit toward G65包茂高速/G65
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G65包茂高速/G65
Toll road
121 km
Take exit 榆商高速/神木/米脂 to merge onto S20榆神高速/S20
Toll road
4.1 km
Take exit S20/米脂/G20 to merge onto S20榆商高速/S20
Toll road
12.2 km
Take the exit onto 榆佳高速
Toll road
79.8 km
Continue onto S50平临高速/S50
Toll road
213 km
Take exit G2001东/盂县/石家庄/大同/晋中 on the left to merge onto 040国道/G2001太原绕城高速/西北环城高速/G040/G2001
Toll road
4.5 km
Keep left to continue on G5京昆高速/太阳高速/G5
Toll road
95.6 km
Keep left to continue on G5京昆高速/G5
Toll road
65.8 km
Continue onto S071西柏坡高速/S071
Toll road
10.6 km
Take the exit on the left toward G5京昆高速/G5
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto G5京昆高速/G5
Toll road
14.5 km
Take the exit on the left onto 绕城高速
Toll road
15.9 km
Take exit 机场/S9902/新乐/G4/邯郸/郑州 toward S9902新元高速/S9902
Toll road
0.3 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto S9902新元高速/S9902
Toll road
22.7 km
Merge onto G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
116 km
Take exit G18/朔州/天津 toward G18荣乌高速/G18
Toll road
0.5 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit G18/霸州/天津 and merge onto G18荣乌高速/G18
Toll road
109 km
Take exit G112/杨柳青/王庆坨/G2/G18/北京/济南/东营 toward G18荣乌高速/G2京沪高速/G3京台高速/G18/G2/G3
Toll road
0.2 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit G2/G18/济南/东营 and merge onto G18荣乌高速/G2京沪高速/G3京台高速/G18/G2/G3
Toll road
6.8 km
Take exit 天津中心城区/滨海新区/东营/黄骅/G18 toward G18荣乌高速/S50津晋高速/G18/S50
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto G18荣乌高速/S50津晋高速/G18/S50
Toll road
13.7 km
Take exit S6/天津外环/沧州/津静桥 toward S6津沧高速/S6
Toll road
1.1 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto S6津沧高速/S6
Partial toll road
7.3 km
Continue onto 复康路 3.4 km
Take the ramp on the left onto 红旗路 1.9 km
At 鞍山西道环岛, take the 2nd exit and stay on 红旗路 2.5 km
Turn right onto 黄河道 2.0 km
Turn left onto 西马路 0.5 km
Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto 鼓楼西街 0.3 km
Turn left onto 城厢西路
Destination will be on the right
62 m
Tianjin, China
Map data ©2017
Nyinma to Tianjin road map

Nyinma to Tianjin flight distance miles / km

908.9 mi / 1,462.7 km
Also see in China

Nyinma to Tianjin car distance km / miles

1,917.5 km / 1,191.5 miles

Nyinma to Tianjin driving time

22 hours 21 minutes

Nyinma to Tianjin average speed

85.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

143.81 liters

Fuel price calculator

215.72 €