Driving directions from Pedregal, Panama to Santiago de Veraguas, Panama distance

Pedregal, Panama
Head northeast on Ave. 1a Este toward Ave. 2a Este 65 m
Turn left onto C. V Sur 67 m
Turn right onto Av. Central/Av. Red Gray/Route 15
Continue to follow Av. Red Gray/Route 15
5.8 km
Turn right onto Av. 5a Este 1.7 km
Av. 5a Este turns left and becomes Av. 8a Este 0.1 km
Turn right onto Ave. 3 de Noviembre/Ave. 4a Este/C. 4a Este
Continue to follow Ave. 3 de Noviembre/Ave. 4a Este
1.5 km
Turn right onto Av. Interamericana/Panamericana/Route 1/CA-1 187 km
Turn right onto C. 9a/Ave. Rodolfo Girón R. 0.7 km
Turn right 0.2 km
Turn left onto C. 6a 0.3 km
Turn right toward C. 5a 0.1 km
Turn left onto C. 5a 0.4 km
Turn right onto C. 2a 0.1 km
Turn left onto C. 4a 11 m
Turn right onto C. 3a
Destination will be on the right
0.2 km
Santiago de Veraguas, Panama
Map data ©2022
Pedregal to Santiago de Veraguas road map

Pedregal to Santiago de Veraguas flight distance miles / km

101.0 mi / 162.5 km
Also see in Panama

Pedregal to Santiago de Veraguas car distance km / miles

198.5 km / 123.4 miles

Pedregal to Santiago de Veraguas driving time

2 hours 37 minutes

Pedregal to Santiago de Veraguas average speed

75.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

14.89 liters

Fuel price calculator

22.33 €