Driving directions from Pucallpa, Peru to Puerto Callao, Peru distance

Pucallpa, Peru
Head north on Frida Arce toward Jerusalen 74 m
Turn left onto Jerusalen 0.1 km
Turn right onto Av. Tupac Amaru 0.8 km
Turn left onto Miraflores 0.3 km
Turn right onto Colon 0.2 km
Turn left onto Garcilaso De La Vega 51 m
Turn right onto Jr. Iparia 2.0 km
Turn right onto Iquitos
Destination will be on the right
88 m
Puerto Callao, Peru
Map data ©2022
Pucallpa to Puerto Callao road map

Pucallpa to Puerto Callao flight distance miles / km

2.0 mi / 3.2 km
Also see in Peru

Pucallpa to Puerto Callao car distance km / miles

3.7 km / 2.3 miles

Pucallpa to Puerto Callao driving time

9 minutes

Pucallpa to Puerto Callao average speed

24.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.28 liters

Fuel price calculator

0.42 €