Driving directions from Río Cuarto, Argentina to Las Higueras, Argentina distance

Río Cuarto, Argentina
Head south on Gral. Paz toward Humberto Primero 0.1 km
Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto Saavedra 0.6 km
Turn right onto French 17 m
Turn left onto Blvd. Ameghino 0.8 km
Turn right onto Rivadavia 0.1 km
Continue onto Tucumán 0.4 km
Turn left onto Avellaneda 0.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Ruben Dario 0.8 km
Turn left onto Chile 0.1 km
Turn right onto Iguazú 0.2 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto C. Reforma Universitaria/Iguazú
Continue to follow C. Reforma Universitaria
2.1 km
Turn right onto RN36 1.7 km
Turn left onto Av. Tucumán 1.9 km
Slight right onto 25 de Mayo
Destination will be on the left
0.4 km
Las Higueras, Argentina
Map data ©2023
Río Cuarto to Las Higueras road map

Río Cuarto to Las Higueras flight distance miles / km

4.4 mi / 7.1 km
Also see in Argentina

Río Cuarto to Las Higueras car distance km / miles

9.6 km / 6.0 miles

Río Cuarto to Las Higueras driving time

17 minutes

Río Cuarto to Las Higueras average speed

33.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.72 liters

Fuel price calculator

1.08 €