Driving directions from Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina to Recreo, Argentina distance

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Argentina
Head east on Chacabuco toward República de Siria 0.1 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto República de Siria 0.1 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Maipú 0.1 km
Turn right onto Pedro Vittori 79 m
Turn left onto Mariano Comas 1.3 km
Turn right onto Av. López y Planes 0.4 km
Turn left onto Iturraspe 1.4 km
Take the Ruta Nacional A007 ramp to Rafaela/Reconquista 0.5 km
Merge onto Au Rosario/Av. de Circunvalación de Sta. Fe/RN A007 1.5 km
Slight left onto RN A007 14.2 km
Take the exit toward Ruta Nacional 11/Recreo 0.4 km
Merge onto RP70 1.3 km
Turn left onto Av. Ignacio Crespo 0.8 km
Turn left onto J. D. y Clucellas 0.1 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Simón de Iriondo 0.4 km
Turn right onto Sta. Fe
Destination will be on the left
43 m
Recreo, Argentina
Map data ©2023
Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz to Recreo road map

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz to Recreo flight distance miles / km

10.0 mi / 16.2 km
Also see in Argentina

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz to Recreo car distance km / miles

22.8 km / 14.2 miles

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz to Recreo driving time

25 minutes

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz to Recreo average speed

53.3 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.71 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.56 €