Driving directions from Sênmônoŭrôm, Cambodia to Prey Veng, Cambodia distance

Sênmônoŭrôm, Cambodia
Head southwest toward NR76 0.2 km
Turn left onto NR76 118 km
Turn right to stay on NR76 6.3 km
Turn left onto AH11/NR7 81.6 km
Turn left onto NR8 18.9 km
Turn right to stay on NR8 47.0 km
Turn left onto 316 4.4 km
Slight left onto NR11 13.9 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the left
49 m
Prey Veng, Cambodia
Map data ©2023
Sênmônoŭrôm to Prey Veng road map

Sênmônoŭrôm to Prey Veng flight distance miles / km

142.6 mi / 229.5 km
Also see in Cambodia

Sênmônoŭrôm to Prey Veng car distance km / miles

290.6 km / 180.6 miles

Sênmônoŭrôm to Prey Veng driving time

4 hours 40 minutes

Sênmônoŭrôm to Prey Veng average speed

62.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

21.80 liters

Fuel price calculator

32.70 €