Driving directions from Ulan, China to Tangshan, China distance

Ulan, China
Head northeast on 都斯图路 toward 乌仁都西街 0.7 km
Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto 阿尔寨街 0.7 km
Turn right onto 313省道/桃力民路/S313
Continue to follow 桃力民路
2.2 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto 216省道/S216 18.0 km
Take the ramp on the left to G18荣乌高速/G18
Partial toll road
0.6 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G18荣乌高速/G18
Toll road
293 km
Keep left to stay on G18荣乌高速/G18
Toll road
362 km
Take the exit onto S10张石高速/S10
Toll road
99.9 km
Continue onto 廊涿高速
Toll road
16.4 km
Continue onto G9511涞涞高速/廊涿高速/张石高速/G9511
Toll road
3.6 km
Keep left to continue on 廊涿高速
Toll road
65.1 km
Take the exit toward G3京台高速/G3
Toll road
0.2 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto G3京台高速/G3
Toll road
54.6 km
Keep left to continue on G2501滨保高速/G2501
Toll road
81.4 km
Take exit G25/唐山/滨州 toward G25长深高速/唐津高速/G25
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G25长深高速/唐津高速/G25
Toll road
32.1 km
Keep left to continue on S0105绕城高速/唐山环城高速南环/唐津高速/S0105
Toll road
11.4 km
Take exit 唐山南/唐海 toward 263省道/唐柏路/唐海线/S263
Partial toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto 263省道/唐柏路/唐海线/S263
Continue to follow 唐柏路
5.8 km
Turn left at 唐柏路口 onto 岳各庄大街/环城路南环 1.8 km
At 建设南路口, continue onto 建设南路 3.6 km
Turn right onto 市府北街 0.1 km
Turn right to stay on 市府北街 0.4 km
Turn left
Destination will be on the right
0.1 km
Tangshan, China
Map data ©2017 Google
Ulan to Tangshan road map

Ulan to Tangshan flight distance miles / km

546.0 mi / 878.7 km
Also see in China

Ulan to Tangshan car distance km / miles

1,054.4 km / 655.2 miles

Ulan to Tangshan driving time

12 hours 40 minutes

Ulan to Tangshan average speed

83.2 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

79.08 liters

Fuel price calculator

118.62 €