Driving directions from Ventanas, Ecuador to Ambato, Ecuador distance

Ventanas, Ecuador
Head south toward Av. 10 de Agosto 78 m
Turn left onto Av. 10 de Agosto 0.1 km
Turn right onto Los Ríos 0.2 km
Turn left onto Vía Ventanas - Echeandía 7.4 km
Turn right to stay on Vía Ventanas - Echeandía 20.0 km
Turn right 1.2 km
Turn right onto A Echeandia 48.9 km
Turn left 0.2 km
Turn left onto Via Ambato Guaranda/E491
Continue to follow E491
83.2 km
Turn left onto Antonio Clavijo 2.5 km
Turn right onto Fray Pedro Franco Dávila 0.4 km
Turn left onto Manuelita Sáenz 0.3 km
Turn right onto Víctor Hugo 1.3 km
Continue straight to stay on Víctor Hugo 0.6 km
At the roundabout, continue straight 1.1 km
Turn left onto Av Bolivariana/E493A 0.4 km
Turn right onto Cataguango 61 m
Turn left onto Galápagos
Destination will be on the right
1.0 km
Ambato, Ecuador
Map data ©2023
Ventanas to Ambato road map

Ventanas to Ambato flight distance miles / km

59.7 mi / 96.1 km
Also see in Ecuador

Ventanas to Ambato car distance km / miles

169.0 km / 105.0 miles

Ventanas to Ambato driving time

3 hours 22 minutes

Ventanas to Ambato average speed

50.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

12.67 liters

Fuel price calculator

19.01 €