Driving directions from Wangu, China to Yongjia, China distance

Wangu, China
Head west on 310省道/359县道/龙铜路/S310/X359 toward 富裕路
Continue to follow 310省道/359县道/S310/X359
1.9 km
Turn right onto the ramp to 铜永高速
Partial toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto 铜永高速
Toll road
2.8 km
Take the exit toward G5013渝蓉高速/G5013
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G5013渝蓉高速/G5013
Toll road
16.9 km
Take exit 大庙/围龙 toward 207省道/386县道/大兴街/永武路/S207/X386
Partial toll road
1.3 km
Turn left onto 207省道/386县道/大兴街/永武路/S207/X386
Continue to follow 207省道/386县道/永武路/S207/X386
0.2 km
Turn right onto 207省道/386县道/S207/X386 3.2 km
Turn left onto 207省道/695县道/S207/X695 2.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto 207省道/安西路/S207/Y028
Continue to follow 207省道/S207
8.2 km
Slight right onto 696县道/X696 4.9 km
Yongjia, China
Map data ©2017
Wangu to Yongjia road map

Wangu to Yongjia flight distance miles / km

8.6 mi / 13.8 km
Also see in China

Wangu to Yongjia car distance km / miles

42.7 km / 26.5 miles

Wangu to Yongjia driving time

49 minutes

Wangu to Yongjia average speed

52.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

3.20 liters

Fuel price calculator

4.80 €