Driving directions from Xiulin, China to Jiaoqi, China distance

Xiulin, China
Head southwest on 沿江路 toward 解放大道 2.2 km
Turn right onto 221省道/S221 1.5 km
Turn left 2.9 km
Take the ramp to S88岳宜高速/S88
Partial toll road
0.5 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto S88岳宜高速/S88
Toll road
13.1 km
Take exit X027/藕池/黄山头 toward 曾黄线
Partial toll road
1.0 km
Turn right onto 曾黄线 7.9 km
Turn right to stay on 曾黄线 3.5 km
Turn left onto 027县道/X027 6.0 km
Turn left onto 027县道/226省道/S226/X027
Continue to follow 027县道/X027
1.1 km
Turn right onto 026县道/X026 7.5 km
Take the ferry 0.1 km
Turn right 0.4 km
Turn left 1.7 km
Turn right onto 026县道/X026
Destination will be on the right
0.8 km
Jiaoqi, China
Map data ©2017
Xiulin to Jiaoqi road map

Xiulin to Jiaoqi flight distance miles / km

19.7 mi / 31.7 km
Also see in China

Xiulin to Jiaoqi car distance km / miles

50.2 km / 31.2 miles

Xiulin to Jiaoqi driving time

1 hours 45 minutes

Xiulin to Jiaoqi average speed

28.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

3.76 liters

Fuel price calculator

5.64 €