Driving directions from Yujing, Taiwan to Taoyuan, Taiwan distance

Yujing, Taiwan
Head west on 富強街 toward 民生路 65 m
Turn left onto 民生路 0.1 km
Turn right onto 憲政街 0.5 km
Turn right onto 民權路/南183鄉道 0.2 km
Turn right onto 東西向快速公路北門玉井線/台84線 26.4 km
Take exit 14-下營系統 for 國道1號 toward Xinying 1.2 km
Merge onto 國道一號
Partial toll road
106 km
Take exit 192-彰化系統 to merge onto 國道3號 toward Dajia
Partial toll road
94.0 km
Keep left to stay on 國道3號
Partial toll road
49.3 km
Take exit 54-鶯歌系統 for 國道2號 toward Bade/Taoyuan Airport 1.0 km
Continue onto 國道2號 1.7 km
Take exit 18-大湳 toward Yingge 0.8 km
Merge onto 國道二號大湳交流道聯絡道/福德一路/110乙縣道 0.5 km
Turn left onto 鶯桃路/110縣道
Continue to follow 110縣道
2.8 km
Keep right to continue on 桃鶯路 0.2 km
Turn right onto 紹興街 42 m
Turn right onto 桃鶯路1巷 81 m
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Map data ©2017 Google
Yujing to Taoyuan road map

Yujing to Taoyuan flight distance miles / km

139.7 mi / 224.9 km
Also see in Taiwan

Yujing to Taoyuan car distance km / miles

285.0 km / 177.1 miles

Yujing to Taoyuan driving time

3 hours 3 minutes

Yujing to Taoyuan average speed

93.0 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

21.38 liters

Fuel price calculator

32.06 €