Driving directions from Antaillat, France to Chazeras, France distance

Antaillat, France
Head northeast on Rue des Chênes (Antaillat) toward Chem. du Pont Estrade 0.9 km
Continue onto Le Breuil 0.5 km
Slight right onto Rue de la Move 39 m
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Rue de la Prade 0.1 km
Turn right onto Rue du Breuil/D23
Continue to follow D23
0.7 km
Turn left onto D26 3.7 km
Turn left onto D28 0.3 km
Turn right to stay on D28 2.9 km
Turn right 0.4 km
Turn right onto Chazeras 0.1 km
Turn right to stay on Chazeras 65 m
Turn left to stay on Chazeras
Destination will be on the left
29 m
Chazeras, France
Map data ©2023
Antaillat to Chazeras road map

Antaillat to Chazeras flight distance miles / km

3.2 mi / 5.1 km
Also see in France

Antaillat to Chazeras car distance km / miles

9.8 km / 6.1 miles

Antaillat to Chazeras driving time

13 minutes

Antaillat to Chazeras average speed

43.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.73 liters

Fuel price calculator

1.10 €