Driving directions from Beijing, China to Dali, China distance

Beijing, China
Head east on 西长安街 toward 广场东侧路 0.2 km
Continue onto 东长安街 0.6 km
Turn right onto 正义路 0.8 km
Turn right at 正义路南口 onto 前门东大街 0.9 km
At 前门, continue onto 前门西大街 1.0 km
At 和平门, continue onto 宣武门东大街 0.8 km
At 宣武门路口, continue onto 宣武门西大街 1.6 km
Keep left to stay on 宣武门西大街 0.4 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 西二环 3.4 km
Continue on 菜户营南路 2.0 km
Keep left to continue on 106国道/G45大广高速/京开高速/G106/G45
Partial toll road
32.9 km
Keep left to continue on G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
229 km
Take the exit on the left toward G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
2.0 km
Continue onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
386 km
Take exit S83/许昌/南阳 to merge onto S83兰南高速/S83
Toll road
92.8 km
Take exit G4/武汉/郑州 toward G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on Exit G4/武汉 and merge onto G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
435 km
Keep left to stay on G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
304 km
Keep right at the fork to stay on G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
26.8 km
Keep left to stay on G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
129 km
Keep left to stay on G4京港澳高速/G4
Toll road
190 km
Keep left to continue on G4W3乐广高速/S1
Toll road
263 km
Take the exit on the left onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
13.8 km
Take the exit on the left onto S41机场高速/S41
Toll road
21.1 km
Take exit S81西/S15/佛山/增槎路/珠海 to merge onto S15沈海高速广州支线/S81广州环城高速/北环高速/S15/S81
Toll road
6.1 km
Take exit S15/金沙洲/S55/肇庆/佛山/北江大堤/沙贝 toward S15沈海高速广州支线/广佛高速/S15
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork to continue toward S15沈海高速广州支线/广佛高速/S15
Toll road
73 m
Continue onto S15沈海高速广州支线/广佛高速/S15
Toll road
3.2 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on S15沈海高速广州支线/广佛高速/S15
Toll road
5.6 km
Take exit S121/大沥/桂城 toward 321国道/324国道/325国道/广佛路/G321/G324/G325
Partial toll road
0.7 km
Keep left to continue toward 321国道/324国道/325国道/广佛路/G321/G324/G325 58 m
Turn right onto 321国道/324国道/325国道/广佛路/G321/G324/G325 0.6 km
Turn right toward 121省道/321国道/324国道/广云路/G321/G324/S121 10 m
Turn left at the 1st cross street toward 121省道/321国道/324国道/广云路/G321/G324/S121 73 m
Turn left at 沥苑路 29 m
Sharp right onto 121省道/321国道/324国道/广云路/G321/G324/S121
Continue to follow 321国道/324国道/广云路/G321/G324
0.9 km
Turn right onto 沥西路 0.4 km
Turn right onto 邓新西区五巷
Destination will be on the left
0.1 km
Dali, China
Map data ©2017 Google, ZENRIN
Beijing to Dali road map

Beijing to Dali flight distance miles / km

1,175.7 mi / 1,892.0 km
Also see in China

Beijing to Dali car distance km / miles

2,156.2 km / 1,339.8 miles

Beijing to Dali driving time

21 hours 55 minutes

Beijing to Dali average speed

98.4 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

161.71 liters

Fuel price calculator

242.57 €