Driving directions from Blanerne, United Kingdom to Slaley, United Kingdom distance

Blanerne, United Kingdom
Head east
Restricted usage road
0.3 km
Turn right 0.1 km
Turn left 0.8 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto A6105 0.7 km
Turn left 3.2 km
Turn right onto B6437 2.0 km
Turn left onto B6460 3.0 km
Turn left to stay on B6460 4.0 km
Turn left onto B6461 4.2 km
Turn right onto A1 1.5 km
At E Ord Roundabout, take the 3rd exit and stay on A1 80.1 km
Keep right to stay on A1 17.9 km
Take the A69/A186 ramp to Hexham/City(West) 0.3 km
At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto A69 4.2 km
Keep right to stay on A69 14.5 km
At Styford Roundabout, take the 1st exit onto A68 2.3 km
At Broomhaugh Roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on A68 5.5 km
Turn right onto Lead Rd 4.8 km
Turn right to stay on Lead Rd 3 m
Slight right 1.5 km
Slaley, United Kingdom
Map data ©2023
Blanerne to Slaley road map

Blanerne to Slaley flight distance miles / km

61.9 mi / 99.6 km

Blanerne to Slaley car distance km / miles

151.2 km / 94.0 miles

Blanerne to Slaley driving time

1 hours 53 minutes

Blanerne to Slaley average speed

80.2 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

11.34 liters

Fuel price calculator

17.02 €