Driving directions from Blantyre, Malawi to Mzuzu, Malawi distance

Blantyre, Malawi
Head west toward Glynn Jones Rd/M1 0.1 km
Turn left onto Glynn Jones Rd/M1 7.9 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto M1 46.2 km
Turn right to stay on M1 61.4 km
Turn left to stay on M1 4.7 km
Turn right onto M5 144 km
Turn left to stay on M5 5.7 km
Turn right to stay on M5 336 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Kanjedza Drive 0.3 km
Turn right onto Mhone Road
Destination will be on the right
87 m
Mzuzu, Malawi
Map data ©2023 Google
Blantyre to Mzuzu road map

Blantyre to Mzuzu flight distance miles / km

305.7 mi / 492.0 km
Also see in Malawi

Blantyre to Mzuzu car distance km / miles

606.5 km / 376.8 miles

Blantyre to Mzuzu driving time

8 hours 59 minutes

Blantyre to Mzuzu average speed

67.5 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

45.49 liters

Fuel price calculator

68.23 €