Driving directions from Büttelhof, Germany to Dammsdeich, Germany distance

Büttelhof, Germany
Head west on Riesbülldeich toward Büttel/B5 0.2 km
Turn left onto Büttel/B5 0.6 km
Turn right 0.6 km
Continue onto B202 2.7 km
Turn right onto Süderdeich 0.9 km
Turn left onto Freesenkoog 0.7 km
Turn left to stay on Freesenkoog 0.4 km
Turn right to stay on Freesenkoog 0.3 km
Dammsdeich, Germany
Map data ©2023 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009)
Büttelhof to Dammsdeich road map

Büttelhof to Dammsdeich flight distance miles / km

2.7 mi / 4.3 km
Also see in Germany

Büttelhof to Dammsdeich car distance km / miles

6.4 km / 4.0 miles

Büttelhof to Dammsdeich driving time

8 minutes

Büttelhof to Dammsdeich average speed

42.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.48 liters

Fuel price calculator

0.72 €