Driving directions from Chambishi, Zambia to Petauke, Zambia distance

Chambishi, Zambia
Head east 0.6 km
Turn right 0.1 km
Turn right 1.2 km
Turn right 0.8 km
Turn left onto T3 26.1 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Kanyanta Ave 0.4 km
Turn right onto President Ave 0.7 km
Continue onto T3 3.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on T3 35.7 km
Slight right 0.8 km
Turn left 0.2 km
Turn left 32.6 km
Turn right onto T3 33.0 km
Continue onto T3 45.7 km
Turn left onto T2 27.3 km
Turn right onto RD492 58.2 km
Turn right onto D200 48.7 km
Continue straight onto RD206 84.1 km
Turn right onto RD493 107 km
Turn left onto T4
Entering Mozambique
98.4 km
Continue straight to stay on T4
Entering Zambia
1.6 km
Continue straight to stay on T4 128 km
Turn left 5.4 km
Turn left onto Nyampande Road 0.4 km
Turn right 0.8 km
Petauke, Zambia
Map data ©2017 Google
Chambishi to Petauke road map

Chambishi to Petauke flight distance miles / km

246.4 mi / 396.5 km
Also see in Zambia

Chambishi to Petauke car distance km / miles

741.1 km / 460.5 miles

Chambishi to Petauke driving time

10 hours 44 minutes

Chambishi to Petauke average speed

69.0 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

55.58 liters

Fuel price calculator

83.37 €