Driving directions from Chorweiler, Germany to Wuppertal, Germany distance

Chorweiler, Germany
Head northwest on Weichselring toward Warthestraße 1.3 km
Turn left onto Elbeallee 0.6 km
Turn left onto Merianstraße 2.1 km
Take the ramp to E37/A1 0.3 km
Continue onto Industriestraße 1.7 km
Take the A1 ramp to Düsseldorf/Dortmund/Oberhausen 0.6 km
Keep left and merge onto A1 4.6 km
Take the exit onto A3 toward Oberhausen 18.5 km
Take the exit onto A46 toward Wuppertal 18.5 km
Take exit W.-Elberfeld toward Opphofer Str. 0.4 km
Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Elberfeld and merge onto Opphofer Str. 0.2 km
Turn left to stay on Opphofer Str. 84 m
Turn left onto Schwesterstraße 0.8 km
Turn left onto Rudolfstraße 0.6 km
Turn left onto Konsumstraße
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Wuppertal, Germany
Map data ©2022 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009)
Chorweiler to Wuppertal road map

Chorweiler to Wuppertal flight distance miles / km

20.5 mi / 33.0 km
Also see in Germany

Chorweiler to Wuppertal car distance km / miles

50.7 km / 31.5 miles

Chorweiler to Wuppertal driving time

45 minutes

Chorweiler to Wuppertal average speed

66.2 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

3.80 liters

Fuel price calculator

5.70 €