Driving directions from Dali, China to Luocun, China distance

Dali, China
Head north 90 m
Turn left toward 沥西路 0.1 km
Turn right onto 沥西路 0.4 km
Turn left onto 南湾北路 0.4 km
Turn left onto 沥雅路 0.3 km
Turn right onto 敦和大道 0.4 km
Turn right onto 493县道/松岗大道南/禅炭路/X493 88 m
Take the ramp to 324国道/S55二广高速广州支线/广三高速/G324/S55
Partial toll road
0.6 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto 324国道/S55二广高速广州支线/广三高速/G324/S55
Toll road
10.4 km
Take exit S82/S263/狮山/佛山高新区/南海高新区 toward S82佛山一环高速/佛山一环西线/S82
Partial toll road
0.6 km
Keep right to continue toward S82佛山一环高速/佛山一环西线/S82 38 m
Keep left at the fork and merge onto S82佛山一环高速/佛山一环西线/S82 5.3 km
Take exit 桂丹公路/樵金路/机场/佛山机场/桂城/西樵/高明 to merge onto S82佛山一环高速辅路 0.5 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 113省道/桂丹路/S113 3.7 km
Exit onto 113省道辅路/桂丹路辅路 0.2 km
Take the exit toward 罗村大道中 92 m
Keep left and merge onto 罗村大道中
Destination will be on the right
1.3 km
Luocun, China
Map data ©2017
Dali to Luocun road map

Dali to Luocun flight distance miles / km

6.9 mi / 11.1 km
Also see in China

Dali to Luocun car distance km / miles

24.4 km / 15.2 miles

Dali to Luocun driving time

26 minutes

Dali to Luocun average speed

55.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.83 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.75 €