Driving directions from Dongqinggou, China to Tianshui, China distance

Dongqinggou, China
Head north 3.5 km
Turn left 49.8 km
Turn left onto 701县道/X701 56.8 km
Turn right 37.1 km
Turn right onto 214国道/G214 0.5 km
Turn left onto the ramp to 共玉高速 25 m
Turn right onto 共玉高速
Toll road
236 km
Take the exit onto G6京藏高速/共茶高速/G6
Partial toll road
46.9 km
Merge onto 109国道/214国道/西倒一级公路/G109/G214 45.6 km
Keep right to continue on 西倒一级公路/西湟一级公路入口
Continue to follow 西倒一级公路
Partial toll road
17.1 km
Take the ramp to 西宁南绕城高速
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto 西宁南绕城高速
Toll road
57.0 km
Take the exit onto G6京藏高速/G6
Toll road
171 km
Take the exit onto G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
134 km
Take the exit toward G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
202 km
Take exit 天水/G316 toward 316国道/赤峪路/G316
Partial toll road
0.7 km
Keep left at the fork to continue toward 316国道/赤峪路/G316 47 m
Turn left onto 316国道/赤峪路/G316
Continue to follow 316国道/G316
2.0 km
Continue onto 310国道/羲皇大道西路/G310 4.0 km
Turn left onto 合作南路 0.5 km
Continue onto 合作中路 0.2 km
Turn right onto 藉河北路 0.9 km
Turn left onto 罗玉路
Destination will be on the right
0.3 km
Tianshui, China
Map data ©2017
Dongqinggou to Tianshui road map

Dongqinggou to Tianshui flight distance miles / km

328.6 mi / 528.8 km
Also see in China

Dongqinggou to Tianshui car distance km / miles

1,068.1 km / 663.7 miles

Dongqinggou to Tianshui driving time

16 hours 48 minutes

Dongqinggou to Tianshui average speed

63.5 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

80.11 liters

Fuel price calculator

120.16 €