Driving directions from Dresden, Germany to Gornau, Germany distance

Dresden, Germany
Head west on Rosmaringasse toward Schloßstraße 59 m
Turn left onto Schloßstraße 0.1 km
Turn right onto Wilsdruffer Str. 0.3 km
Wilsdruffer Str. turns slightly left and becomes Postpl. 62 m
Continue onto Freiberger Str. 0.2 km
Turn right onto Hertha-Lindner-Straße 0.1 km
Turn left onto Schweriner Str. 0.7 km
Continue onto Schäferstraße 0.8 km
Continue onto Hamburger Str. 1.0 km
Hamburger Str. turns slightly right and becomes S73 0.2 km
Merge onto Hamburger Str./B6 1.0 km
Continue straight onto Meißner Landstraße/B6 1.5 km
Turn left 35 m
Merge onto A4 via the ramp to Chemnitz/Leipzig 21.3 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on A4 45.4 km
At the interchange 68-Kreuz Chemnitz, keep right and follow signs for A72 toward Hof/Zwickau/Chemnitz-Süd 5.0 km
Take exit 15-Chemnitz-Süd to merge onto Neefestraße/B173 toward Chemnitz-Süd/Annaberg-Buchholz/Marienberg 2.0 km
Merge onto Südring/B169 via the ramp to B174/Marienberg/Annaberg-B./Stollberg/B95
Continue to follow Südring
7.5 km
Merge onto Zschopauer Str./B174 via the ramp to Marienberg
Continue to follow B174
7.8 km
Take the B180 ramp to Burkhardtsdorf/Amtsberg/Gornau 0.2 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto B180 1.3 km
Continue straight onto Chemnitzer Str.
Destination will be on the right
0.5 km
Gornau, Germany
Map data ©2017 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google
Dresden to Gornau road map

Dresden to Gornau flight distance miles / km

36.6 mi / 58.9 km
Also see in Germany

Dresden to Gornau car distance km / miles

97.2 km / 60.4 miles

Dresden to Gornau driving time

1 hours 11 minutes

Dresden to Gornau average speed

82.0 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

7.29 liters

Fuel price calculator

10.94 €