Driving directions from Heka, China to Shanghai, China distance

Heka, China
Head northeast on 南环路 toward 214国道/G214 1.1 km
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto 214国道/G214 70.7 km
Slight left onto 214国道/环城西路/G214
Continue to follow 214国道/G214
6.6 km
Continue straight onto 214国道/环城北路/G214
Continue to follow 214国道/G214
2.5 km
Take the ramp on the left onto G6京藏高速/共茶高速/G6
Partial toll road
37.9 km
Merge onto 109国道/214国道/西倒一级公路/G109/G214 45.6 km
Keep right to continue on 西倒一级公路/西湟一级公路入口
Continue to follow 西倒一级公路
Partial toll road
17.1 km
Take the ramp to 西宁南绕城高速
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto 西宁南绕城高速
Toll road
57.0 km
Take the exit onto G6京藏高速/G6
Toll road
171 km
Take the exit onto G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
134 km
Continue onto G22青兰高速/G22
Toll road
181 km
Take the exit on the left onto G22青兰高速/G70福银高速/G22/G70
Toll road
143 km
Keep left to continue on G70福银高速/G70
Toll road
165 km
Take the exit toward 西咸北环线高速
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto 西咸北环线高速
Toll road
76.5 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G30连霍高速/G30
Toll road
295 km
Take exit G36/平顶山/商丘/伊川/南京 toward G36宁洛高速/洛阳绕城高速/G36
Toll road
0.8 km
Continue onto G36宁洛高速/洛阳绕城高速/G36
Toll road
35.9 km
Take exit G36/G55/漯河/南阳/南京/广州 to merge onto G36宁洛高速/G36
Partial toll road
716 km
Take exit G42/中山陵/仙林/上海/中山门 toward G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G42 0.2 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on Exit G42/上海 and merge onto G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G42
Partial toll road
19.8 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on 055国道/G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G055/G42
Toll road
45.1 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G42
Toll road
148 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on G2京沪高速/G42沪蓉高速/G2/G42
Toll road
36.4 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on G2京沪高速/G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G2/G42
Toll road
13.8 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on G2京沪高速/G42沪蓉高速/沪宁高速/G2/G42
Partial toll road
6.7 km
Take exit 外环隧道/虹桥枢纽/S20 to merge onto S20外环高速/环西一大道/S20 7.8 km
Take exit G50/湖州/延安高架路 toward 延安高架路 0.2 km
Keep left to continue toward 延安高架路 0.7 km
Continue onto 延安高架路 10.2 km
Take exit 茂名南路 to merge onto 延安中路 0.4 km
Turn right at 延安中路口 onto 茂名南路 0.1 km
Turn right onto 巨鹿路
Destination will be on the left
0.2 km
Shanghai, China
Map data ©2017 Google, ZENRIN
Heka to Shanghai road map

Heka to Shanghai flight distance miles / km

1,274.0 mi / 2,050.3 km
Also see in China

Heka to Shanghai car distance km / miles

2,446.9 km / 1,520.4 miles

Heka to Shanghai driving time

1 days 2 hours 58 minutes

Heka to Shanghai average speed

90.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

183.52 liters

Fuel price calculator

275.28 €