Driving directions from Huanchaco, Peru to Santiago de Cao, Peru distance

Huanchaco, Peru
Head northeast on La Libertad 726 toward Los Pinos 0.3 km
Turn right to stay on La Libertad 726 85 m
Turn left onto Union 0.2 km
Turn right onto Av. Dean Saavedra/La Libertad 104
Continue to follow La Libertad 104
0.8 km
Turn right onto Ca. Libertad/La Libertad 104 14.4 km
Turn right onto LI-663 0.4 km
Continue onto Playa Tres Palos-Chiquitoy 2.9 km
Turn left onto Santiago de Cao-Chiquitoy 2.3 km
Turn right onto Carr. Santiago de Cao- El Charco/C. Progreso 0.2 km
Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto C. Bolívar
Destination will be on the left
0.1 km
Santiago de Cao, Peru
Map data ©2022
Huanchaco to Santiago de Cao road map

Huanchaco to Santiago de Cao flight distance miles / km

12.0 mi / 19.3 km
Also see in Peru

Huanchaco to Santiago de Cao car distance km / miles

21.8 km / 13.5 miles

Huanchaco to Santiago de Cao driving time

30 minutes

Huanchaco to Santiago de Cao average speed

42.5 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.63 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.45 €