Driving directions from Ishøj, Denmark to Ballerup, Denmark distance

Ishøj, Denmark
Head southwest toward Ishøj Blvd. 91 m
Turn right onto Ishøj Blvd. 0.1 km
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Ishøj Stationsvej/Route 243 1.7 km
Turn right to merge onto O4 toward 21/København/Ballerup/Roskilde/E55 1.2 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on O4 1.5 km
Merge onto Route 21/O4 1.5 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on O4, follow signs for Ballerup 5.8 km
Keep left to stay on O4 4.0 km
Turn left onto Ballerup Byvej/Route 211 0.9 km
Turn left onto Hold-An Vej 0.5 km
Ballerup, Denmark
Map data ©2022
Ishøj to Ballerup road map

Ishøj to Ballerup flight distance miles / km

8.0 mi / 12.9 km
Also see in Denmark

Ishøj to Ballerup car distance km / miles

17.3 km / 10.7 miles

Ishøj to Ballerup driving time

17 minutes

Ishøj to Ballerup average speed

60.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.30 liters

Fuel price calculator

1.95 €