Driving directions from Kanggye-si, North Korea to Hyesan-dong, North Korea distance

Kanggye-si, North Korea
Head southwest 19 m
Turn right 1.1 km
Turn right onto National Hwy 65 1.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit 76.2 km
Turn right onto National Hwy 65 47.6 km
Turn right to stay on National Hwy 65 52.8 km
Turn left 32.6 km
Turn right 37.3 km
Turn left 25.7 km
Turn left 3.5 km
Turn right 1.6 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Hyesan-dong, North Korea
Map data ©2023
Kanggye-si to Hyesan-dong road map

Kanggye-si to Hyesan-dong flight distance miles / km

88.0 mi / 141.6 km
Also see in North Korea

Kanggye-si to Hyesan-dong car distance km / miles

280.0 km / 174.0 miles

Kanggye-si to Hyesan-dong driving time

3 hours 53 minutes

Kanggye-si to Hyesan-dong average speed

71.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

21.00 liters

Fuel price calculator

31.50 €