Driving directions from Khulm, Afghanistan to Cool űrhajó, Afghanistan distance

Khulm, Afghanistan
Head south 0.1 km
Turn right 1.7 km
Turn left onto A-76 139 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit and stay on A-76 48.5 km
Turn right onto ‫راه شکاری-بامیان‬‎ 39.5 km
‫راه شکاری-بامیان‬‎ turns slightly left and becomes ‫راه بغلان‬‎ 94.7 km
‫راه بغلان‬‎ turns slightly right and becomes ‫راه دره شکاری‬‎ 19.1 km
Turn right onto A77/Bamiyan Charikar Hwy 10.1 km
Turn left onto Kabul-Hajigak-Bamyan Hwy 34.2 km
Kabul-Hajigak-Bamyan Hwy turns right and becomes Bamiyan-Behsud Hwy 18.7 km
Turn right 3.2 km
Merge onto Behsud-Kabul Hwy/A77
Continue to follow A77
50.2 km
Turn left onto Behsud-Punjab Hwy 8.4 km
Turn right 15.6 km
Turn right 7.0 km
Turn left 43.3 km
Cool űrhajó, Afghanistan
Map data ©2017 Google
Khulm to Cool űrhajó road map

Khulm to Cool űrhajó flight distance miles / km

169.2 mi / 272.3 km
Also see in Afghanistan

Khulm to Cool űrhajó car distance km / miles

533.8 km / 331.7 miles

Khulm to Cool űrhajó driving time

8 hours 31 minutes

Khulm to Cool űrhajó average speed

62.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

40.04 liters

Fuel price calculator

60.05 €