Driving directions from Kobelyaky, Ukraine to Bonn, Germany distance

Kobelyaky, Ukraine
Head north 45 m
Turn right toward вул. Пушкіна 0.1 km
Turn left onto вул. Пушкіна 0.2 km
Turn left onto вул. Шевченка/ш. Полтавське/P52
Continue to follow ш. Полтавське/P52
3.6 km
Turn left 5.7 km
Continue onto ш. Полтавське/P52 29.8 km
Continue onto ш. Полтавське/P52 12.3 km
Continue straight onto вул. Велико-Тирнівська (signs for ЦЕНТР) 1.0 km
Continue onto вул. Леніна 2.2 km
Turn right onto вул. Жовтнева 0.2 km
Continue onto вул. Полтавська 0.2 km
Continue onto вулиця Чумацька 2.0 km
Turn left 0.2 km
Turn right toward Е40/М03 40 m
Turn right at Т1718 0.1 km
Merge onto Е40/М03 230 km
Keep left to stay on Е40/М03 6.4 km
Turn right 0.8 km
Continue onto М-03 24.9 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Е40/М03 26.4 km
Turn right 0.3 km
Keep right, follow signs for міст ПІВДЕННИЙ/PIVDENNYI bridge/центральний АВТОВОКЗАЛ/CENTRAL BUS STATION/аеропорт КИЇВ/airport KYIV 0.1 km
Continue onto Харківське ш. 5.8 km
Turn left onto Дарницька пл./Харківське ш. 0.2 km
Slight left onto Дарницька пл./проспект Соборності
Continue to follow проспект Соборності
0.2 km
Slight left onto проспект Соборності/E95/М01
Continue to follow E95/М01
5.9 km
Slight right onto the ramp to площа ЛЕСІ УКРАЇНКИ/вул. БАСЕЙНА/магазин СПОРТМАСТЕР 0.2 km
Merge onto бул. Лесі Українки 2.5 km
Continue onto вул. Басейна 0.4 km
Continue onto Бессарабська пл. 0.2 km
Бессарабська пл. turns right and becomes бул. Тараса Шевченка 1.9 km
Continue onto пл. Перемоги (signs for ЖИТОМИР/ZHYTOMYR/КОВЕЛЬ/KOVEL/ЛЬВІВ/LVIV) 0.3 km
Continue onto проспект Перемоги 11.5 km
Continue onto Брест-Литовське ш./Е40/М06 17.6 km
Slight right 0.2 km
Continue straight onto Е40/М06 37.1 km
Slight right 0.4 km
Slight right onto Е40/М06 251 km
Merge onto Е40/М06/Р05 via the ramp to ОСТРОГ/OSTROH/ЛЬВІВ/LVIV/ЧОП/CHOP 18.6 km
Continue onto Е40/М06 34.3 km
Continue straight onto Об'їзна дор./Е40/М06
Continue to follow Е40/М06
129 km
Slight right (signs for ЖОВТАНЦІ/ZHOVTANTSI) 11.5 km
Continue onto вул. Івана Франка 2.1 km
Continue onto вул. Куликівська 4.8 km
Continue onto вул. УПА 6.4 km
Continue onto вул. Богуна 1.3 km
Turn right onto E372/М09 9.9 km
At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto вул. Вокзальна 2.9 km
Turn right onto вул. Лісна 0.4 km
Turn left onto вул. Л.Українки/Т1425
Continue to follow Т1425
30.5 km
Turn right onto вул. Львівська/Е40/М10
Continue to follow Е40/М10
47.5 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on Е40/М10
Entering Poland
0.6 km
Continue onto E40 0.5 km
E40 turns left and becomes A4/E40
Toll road
Entering Germany
668 km
Continue onto A4
Parts of this road may be closed at certain times or days
122 km
Continue onto A4 4.1 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on A4 304 km
Take the exit on the left onto A7 5.0 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on A5 59.6 km
At the interchange 8-Reiskirchener Dreieck, keep right and follow signs for A480 toward Dortmund/Wetzlar/Marburg/Gießen 0.6 km
Continue onto A480 13.6 km
Take the B429 exit toward Gießener Ring/A45/B49/Dortmund/Limburg/Wetzlar 0.4 km
Turn left onto B429 4.5 km
Take the exit onto B49 toward A45/Dortmund/Limburg/Wetzlar 21.4 km
Keep left to stay on B49 5.4 km
Continue straight to stay on B49 24.5 km
Take the exit onto A3 toward Köln/Koblenz 24.7 km
Keep left at the fork to stay on A3 57.6 km
At the interchange 32-Kreuz Bonn/Siegburg, keep right and follow signs for A560 toward Bonn/Siegburg/Sankt Augustin 7.6 km
Take the exit on the left onto A59 toward Königswinter/Bonn 3.2 km
At the interchange 40-Dreieck Bonn-Nordost, keep right and follow signs for A565 toward Koblenz/Bonn 0.9 km
Continue onto A565 4.5 km
Take the exit toward BN-Zentrum/Tannenbusch 0.4 km
Keep left at the fork, follow signs for U88/Bonn-Zentrum/Bonn-Tannenbusch and merge onto A555 0.3 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Heinrich-Böll-Ring 0.9 km
Continue onto Thomastraße 0.7 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Rabinstraße 0.4 km
Turn left onto Thomas-Mann-Straße
Destination will be on the right
0.1 km
Bonn, Germany
Map data ©2023 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional
Kobelyaky to Bonn road map

Kobelyaky to Bonn flight distance miles / km

1,203.2 mi / 1,936.4 km
Also see in Ukraine
Of interest in Germany

Kobelyaky to Bonn car distance km / miles

2,315.9 km / 1,439.1 miles

Kobelyaky to Bonn driving time

1 days 47 minutes

Kobelyaky to Bonn average speed

93.4 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

173.70 liters

Fuel price calculator

260.54 €