Driving directions from Las Cortes, Spain to Madrid, Spain distance

Las Cortes, Spain
Head east on Pl. de las Cortes toward C. de Fernanflor 74 m
Turn right to stay on Pl. de las Cortes 91 m
Continue straight onto C. del Prado 0.3 km
Continue onto Plaza de Sta. Ana 0.1 km
Turn left onto C. de San Sebastián 0.1 km
Turn right onto C. de Atocha 0.2 km
Turn right toward C. de la Cruz 52 m
Continue onto C. de la Cruz 0.2 km
Madrid, Spain
Map data ©2022 Google, Inst. Geogr. Nacional
Las Cortes to Madrid road map

Las Cortes to Madrid flight distance miles / km

0.3 mi / 0.5 km
Also see in Spain

Las Cortes to Madrid car distance km / miles

1.0 km / 0.6 miles

Las Cortes to Madrid driving time

5 minutes

Las Cortes to Madrid average speed

10.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.08 liters

Fuel price calculator

0.12 €