Driving directions from Las Lomas, Peru to Morropón, Peru distance

Las Lomas, Peru
Head southeast on Calle Almte. Miguel Grau 0.2 km
Turn right toward Jirón Leoncio Prado 0.1 km
Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto Jirón Leoncio Prado
Parts of this road may be closed at certain times or days
0.8 km
Turn right onto Av. Panamericana/Route 1NL
Continue to follow Route 1NL
33.4 km
Continue straight 1.3 km
Turn left 0.2 km
Turn right 0.7 km
Turn left onto PI-107 34.0 km
Continue onto Prolongacion Apurimac 0.8 km
Continue onto Jr. Apurimac 0.3 km
Turn left onto Hipolito Unanue 40 m
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Jr. Apurimac 0.5 km
Turn left onto Piura 0.1 km
Turn right onto Puno 1.3 km
Slight left onto Carr Piura la Vieja-Morropon/PI-107 8.3 km
Turn left 0.2 km
Slight left 0.3 km
Turn right 0.1 km
Continue straight 0.3 km
Turn left onto Carr Piura la Vieja-Morropon 20.5 km
Carr Piura la Vieja-Morropon turns left and becomes Jirón 2 de Mayo 0.3 km
Turn right onto Córdova 0.3 km
Turn left at the 3rd cross street onto Comercio
Destination will be on the left
0.2 km
Morropón, Peru
Map data ©2023
Las Lomas to Morropón road map

Las Lomas to Morropón flight distance miles / km

41.5 mi / 66.7 km
Also see in Peru

Las Lomas to Morropón car distance km / miles

104.3 km / 64.8 miles

Las Lomas to Morropón driving time

2 hours 33 minutes

Las Lomas to Morropón average speed

40.7 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

7.82 liters

Fuel price calculator

11.73 €