Driving directions from Nanjing, China to Dapo, China distance

Nanjing, China
Head west on 渊声巷 toward 鼓楼三条巷 0.2 km
Turn left onto 鼓楼四条巷 19 m
Turn right onto 西桥 0.1 km
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto 云南路 0.3 km
Turn right onto 北京西路 1.7 km
Slight right onto 虎踞北路 80 m
Turn right onto 内环西线辅路 78 m
Sharp left to stay on 内环西线辅路 0.4 km
Take the ramp onto 内环西线 5.2 km
Take the exit on the left toward 凤台南路 0.6 km
Continue onto 凤台南路 4.3 km
Take the ramp on the left to 001省道/G42沪蓉高速/绕城公路/G42/S001 0.7 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 001省道/G42沪蓉高速/绕城公路/G42/S001 5.8 km
Keep left to continue on G4211宁芜高速/G4211
Partial toll road
74.7 km
Continue onto G50沪渝高速/G50
Toll road
178 km
Take the exit on the left onto S27安东高速/安景高速/S27
Toll road
49.8 km
Continue onto G35济广高速/安庆高速/安景高速/G35
Toll road
5.7 km
Take the exit toward G35济广高速/G35
Toll road
0.7 km
Continue onto G35济广高速/G35
Toll road
12.6 km
Take the exit toward S38东彭高速/S38
Toll road
0.9 km
Continue onto S38东彭高速/S38
Toll road
8.7 km
At 赣皖界主线收费站, continue onto S20彭湖高速/S20
Toll road
66.5 km
Take exit G56/湖口/九江/庐山/石钟山 to merge onto G56杭瑞高速/九景高速/G56
Toll road
28.6 km
Take the exit onto G56杭瑞高速/G70福银高速/南九公路/G56/G70
Toll road
14.1 km
Take exit 南昌/福州 on the left to stay on G56杭瑞高速/G70福银高速/南九公路/G56/G70
Toll road
8.3 km
Keep left to continue on G70福银高速/南九公路/G70
Toll road
4.9 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on G70福银高速/G70
Toll road
84.7 km
Keep left to continue on 昌九高速
Toll road
1.3 km
Continue onto G6001南昌绕城高速/G6001
Toll road
53.4 km
Continue onto G60沪昆高速/昌樟高速/G60
Toll road
73.5 km
Keep left to continue on S69樟吉高速/S69
Toll road
107 km
Continue onto G45大广高速/G45
Toll road
183 km
Take exit 大余/韶关/S66 toward S66康大高速/S66
Toll road
0.6 km
Continue onto S66康大高速/S66
Toll road
54.4 km
Continue onto S10韶赣高速/S10
Toll road
130 km
Take the exit on the left onto G4W3乐广高速/S1
Toll road
157 km
Take exit G45/G94/从化/肇庆 toward G94珠三角环线高速/G94
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit G94/肇庆 and merge onto G94珠三角环线高速/G94
Toll road
95.0 km
Take exit G80/佛山/肇庆/广州/云浮 toward G80广昆高速/G80
Toll road
0.5 km
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit G80/肇庆/云浮 and merge onto G80广昆高速/G80
Toll road
94.7 km
Keep left to continue on S51罗阳高速/S51
Toll road
111 km
Take the exit toward 113省道/S113
Partial toll road
0.9 km
Keep right at the fork and merge onto 113省道/S113
Partial toll road
26.0 km
Turn right to stay on 113省道/S113 1.9 km
Continue onto 371省道/S371 19.6 km
Continue straight onto 285乡道/双滘东方街/Y285
Continue to follow 285乡道/Y285
0.3 km
Turn right onto 182乡道/Y182 0.2 km
Turn left to stay on 182乡道/Y182 2.0 km
Turn right onto 286乡道/Y286 3.1 km
286乡道/Y286 turns slightly left and becomes 702乡道/Y702 5.6 km
Turn right to stay on 702乡道/Y702 0.1 km
Turn left onto 633县道/X633 5.3 km
Turn left onto 沿江路/X633
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Dapo, China
Map data ©2017 Google, ZENRIN
Nanjing to Dapo road map

Nanjing to Dapo flight distance miles / km

830.3 mi / 1,336.2 km
Also see in China

Nanjing to Dapo car distance km / miles

1,685.3 km / 1,047.2 miles

Nanjing to Dapo driving time

18 hours 2 minutes

Nanjing to Dapo average speed

93.4 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

126.40 liters

Fuel price calculator

189.60 €