Driving directions from Nsok, Equatorial Guinea to Nsang, Equatorial Guinea distance

Nsok, Equatorial Guinea
Head northeast 32.7 km
Turn right 26.8 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit 6.9 km
Turn right 3.5 km
Keep left 0.4 km
Take the ramp 29.2 km
Take the exit 2.7 km
At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit 7.3 km
Turn left 19.7 km
Slight left 5.7 km
Turn left 18.5 km
Nsang, Equatorial Guinea
Map data ©2017 Google
Nsok to Nsang road map

Nsok to Nsang flight distance miles / km

65.7 mi / 105.7 km
Also see in Equatorial Guinea

Nsok to Nsang car distance km / miles

153.4 km / 95.3 miles

Nsok to Nsang driving time

2 hours 10 minutes

Nsok to Nsang average speed

70.3 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

11.51 liters

Fuel price calculator

17.26 €