Driving directions from Oslo, Norway to Fjerdingby, Norway distance

Oslo, Norway
Head northeast on Kirkegata toward Stortorvet 7 m
Turn left onto Stortorvet 89 m
Turn left onto Møllergata 0.1 km
Continue onto Kongens gate 0.9 km
Turn left onto Akershusstranda 0.4 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto the E18 ramp 0.4 km
Merge onto E18 0.6 km
Keep left to stay on E18 0.1 km
Continue onto E6 1.4 km
Take the exit toward Ring3/Ryen 0.2 km
Merge onto Operatunnelen/Svartdalstunnelen 1.6 km
At the roundabout, take the 4th exit onto the E6/Ring3 ramp to Trondheim/Sinsen 0.1 km
Keep right and merge onto E6/Ring3 1.2 km
Keep left to continue on E6 2.1 km
Take exit 37 to stay on E6 toward Trondheim/Alnabru/Ulven 1.8 km
Merge onto E6 3.0 km
Keep left to stay on E6 2.3 km
Take exit 42 for Rv159 toward Lillestrøm/Karihaugen 0.5 km
Keep left to continue toward Rv159 0.6 km
Continue onto Rv159 6.8 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Nedre Rælingsveg/Fv120 1.6 km
Turn right onto Longsdalsvegen 0.6 km
Turn left onto Øvre Rælingsveg 0.7 km
Turn left onto Nygardsvegen 60 m
Continue straight onto Bjørnholthagan 0.3 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the right
33 m
Fjerdingby, Norway
Map data ©2023
Oslo to Fjerdingby road map

Oslo to Fjerdingby flight distance miles / km

11.1 mi / 17.9 km
Also see in Norway

Oslo to Fjerdingby car distance km / miles

27.7 km / 17.2 miles

Oslo to Fjerdingby driving time

29 minutes

Oslo to Fjerdingby average speed

56.2 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

2.08 liters

Fuel price calculator

3.11 €