Driving directions from Pak Phli, Thailand to Chanthaburi, Thailand distance

Pak Phli, Thailand
Head southwest toward Route 33
Restricted usage road
67 m
Turn left onto Route 33 1.7 km
Keep right to continue on ถ. สุวรรณศรใหม่ 8.6 km
Turn right onto Route 319
Pass by Toyota Prachinburi (on the left in 5.9 km)
42.5 km
Turn left onto Route 304 0.7 km
Make a U-turn 3.7 km
Turn left onto Route 3076 9.8 km
Turn right at ทางแยก น้ำน้อย onto Route 331 1.9 km
Turn left onto ฉช.3017 6.6 km
Continue onto Route 3259 4.0 km
Turn right onto ฉช.4012 3.8 km
Turn left onto Route 3245 52.9 km
Turn left onto ชบ.4082 0.3 km
Continue straight
Pass by KCW บจก. เกียรติชัยอะไหล่ยนต์-วังจันทร์ (on the left in 27.0 km)
47.5 km
Turn left onto Route 3648 5.4 km
Slight left onto Route 3
Pass by Cha’mingo แยกประแสร์ (on the left in 5.3 km)
42.7 km
Slight left 1.1 km
Merge onto Route 3 6.4 km
Turn right onto Route 3493 5.0 km
Turn left onto Route 3153 2.9 km
Turn right onto ถนน เลียบเนิน 0.5 km
Turn left onto ถนน สฤษดิเดช 0.1 km
Turn right
Destination will be on the right
0.2 km
Chanthaburi, Thailand
Map data ©2022
Pak Phli to Chanthaburi road map

Pak Phli to Chanthaburi flight distance miles / km

121.1 mi / 195.0 km
Also see in Thailand

Pak Phli to Chanthaburi car distance km / miles

248.6 km / 154.5 miles

Pak Phli to Chanthaburi driving time

3 hours 50 minutes

Pak Phli to Chanthaburi average speed

64.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

18.64 liters

Fuel price calculator

27.97 €