Driving directions from Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras to Ciudad Choluteca, Honduras distance

Pueblo Nuevo, Honduras
Head north toward V-258 0.2 km
Turn right onto V-258 1.0 km
Turn left to stay on V-258 1.7 km
Turn right to stay on V-258 0.1 km
Turn right onto CA-4 78.1 km
Continue straight to stay on CA-4 32.9 km
Turn right to stay on CA-4 45 m
Turn right onto CA-5
Toll road
167 km
Exit onto Canal Seco/RN-112
Continue to follow RN-112
95.4 km
Slight left 1.1 km
Turn left onto Pan American Hwy/CA-1 37.9 km
Slight right to stay on Pan American Hwy/CA-1 41.8 km
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and stay on Pan American Hwy/CA-1 2.8 km
Continue straight onto RN-148 0.3 km
Turn right to stay on RN-148 0.4 km
Turn left onto 4ª Avenida 0.6 km
Turn right onto 2ª Calle 46 m
Turn right 18 m
Ciudad Choluteca, Honduras
Map data ©2023
Pueblo Nuevo to Ciudad Choluteca road map

Pueblo Nuevo to Ciudad Choluteca flight distance miles / km

157.2 mi / 252.9 km
Also see in Honduras

Pueblo Nuevo to Ciudad Choluteca car distance km / miles

461.5 km / 286.8 miles

Pueblo Nuevo to Ciudad Choluteca driving time

7 hours 14 minutes

Pueblo Nuevo to Ciudad Choluteca average speed

63.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

34.61 liters

Fuel price calculator

51.92 €