Driving directions from Puli, Taiwan to Yujing, Taiwan distance

Puli, Taiwan
Head southwest toward 北辰街 36 m
Turn right onto 北辰街 87 m
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto 中山路二段 0.2 km
Turn left onto 北環路 0.2 km
Turn right after 長緹早餐 (on the right) 2.1 km
Turn left to merge onto 國道6號
Toll road
35.1 km
Take exit 0-霧峰系統 on the left to merge onto 國道3號 toward Nantou
Toll road
10.2 km
Keep left to stay on 國道3號
Toll road
110 km
Take exit 334-官田系統 to merge onto 台84線 toward Yujing 15.0 km
Turn left onto 民權路/南183鄉道 0.2 km
Turn left onto 憲政街 0.1 km
Turn right to stay on 憲政街 0.4 km
Turn left onto 民生路 0.1 km
Turn right onto 富強街
Destination will be on the right
62 m
Yujing, Taiwan
Map data ©2023 Google
Puli to Yujing road map

Puli to Yujing flight distance miles / km

66.5 mi / 106.9 km
Also see in Taiwan

Puli to Yujing car distance km / miles

174.2 km / 108.3 miles

Puli to Yujing driving time

1 hours 52 minutes

Puli to Yujing average speed

92.8 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

13.07 liters

Fuel price calculator

19.60 €