Driving directions from Saint-Estève, France to Baho, France distance

Saint-Estève, France
Head southeast on Rue des Amandiers 38 m
Turn left to stay on Rue des Amandiers 28 m
Turn right onto Rue du Qur Llanas 0.2 km
Turn right onto Av. Guynemer 0.1 km
Turn right onto Av. Général de Gaulle/D616
Go through 3 roundabouts
1.8 km
Turn left at All. des Anciens Combattants À-F-N 12 m
Turn right onto Rte nationale/D616 0.3 km
Turn left onto Rue de las Eres 0.1 km
Turn right onto Rue de la Coutibe 68 m
Sharp right to stay on Rue de la Coutibe 38 m
Baho, France
Map data ©2022 Google
Saint-Estève to Baho road map

Saint-Estève to Baho flight distance miles / km

1.4 mi / 2.3 km
Also see in France

Saint-Estève to Baho car distance km / miles

2.7 km / 1.7 miles

Saint-Estève to Baho driving time

6 minutes

Saint-Estève to Baho average speed

23.3 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.20 liters

Fuel price calculator

0.30 €