Driving directions from San Diego, United States to Tucson, United States distance

San Diego, United States
Head north 39 ft
Turn left toward Eighth Ave 66 ft
Turn left onto Eighth Ave 0.2 mi
Turn left onto G St 0.5 mi
Take the CA-94 E/ML King Jr. Freeway ramp 0.3 mi
Continue onto CA-94 E 7.9 mi
Take exit 9B on the left to merge onto CA-125 N 2.2 mi
Take exit 18A to merge onto I-8 E 3.4 mi
Keep left at the fork to stay on I-8 E
Entering Arizona
332 mi
Take exit 178A to merge onto I-10 E toward Tucson 59.3 mi
Take exit 258 toward Broadway Blvd/Congress Street 0.3 mi
Merge onto N Freeway 325 ft
Turn left onto W Congress St 0.3 mi
Continue straight onto W Broadway Blvd 3.0 mi
Make a U-turn at N Camino Espanol
Destination will be on the right
486 ft
Tucson, United States
Map data ©2017 Google, INEGI
San Diego to Tucson road map

San Diego to Tucson flight distance miles / km

364.8 mi / 587.0 km
Also see in United States

San Diego to Tucson car distance km / miles

659.1 km / 409.6 miles

San Diego to Tucson driving time

6 hours

San Diego to Tucson average speed

109.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

49.44 liters

Fuel price calculator

74.15 €