Driving directions from San Martín, Argentina to Santa Rosa, Argentina distance

San Martín, Argentina
Head northeast on Viamonte toward Rivadavia 1.4 km
Turn right onto Lateral Sur 1.7 km
Take the ramp on the left to Sta Rosa/La Paz 0.3 km
Merge onto Acceso Este/RN7 33.5 km
Take the exit toward Calle Suárez/Sta Rosa 1.7 km
Turn left onto RP50 0.1 km
Turn right onto Gral. Ortega 0.2 km
Turn left onto Arenas
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Santa Rosa, Argentina
Map data ©2022
San Martín to Santa Rosa road map

San Martín to Santa Rosa flight distance miles / km

22.0 mi / 35.4 km
Also see in Argentina

San Martín to Santa Rosa car distance km / miles

39.2 km / 24.4 miles

San Martín to Santa Rosa driving time

30 minutes

San Martín to Santa Rosa average speed

77.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

2.94 liters

Fuel price calculator

4.41 €