Driving directions from Schellohne, Germany to Daren, Germany distance

Schellohne, Germany
Head west toward Dobbenweg 58 m
Turn left onto Dobbenweg 0.2 km
Sharp left onto Möhlendamm 1.3 km
Turn left onto Krimpenforter Str. 2.6 km
Turn right onto Bakumer Str. 1.9 km
At the roundabout, continue straight onto L848 0.8 km
Turn right onto Vechtaer Str. 0.5 km
Turn right onto Sternbusch
Destination will be on the right
0.2 km
Daren, Germany
Map data ©2022 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009)
Schellohne to Daren road map

Schellohne to Daren flight distance miles / km

3.0 mi / 4.9 km
Also see in Germany

Schellohne to Daren car distance km / miles

7.6 km / 4.7 miles

Schellohne to Daren driving time

9 minutes

Schellohne to Daren average speed

50.0 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

0.57 liters

Fuel price calculator

0.85 €