Driving directions from Taihe, China to Shijing, China distance

Taihe, China
Head west on 营中街 0.4 km
Turn right to stay on 营中街 0.1 km
Turn left to stay on 营中街 0.2 km
Turn right onto 105国道/广从公路/G105 0.1 km
Make a U-turn 1.0 km
Take the ramp to G1501广州绕城高速/G15沈海高速/北二环高速/G15/G1501
Partial toll road
0.5 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto G1501广州绕城高速/G15沈海高速/北二环高速/G15/G1501
Toll road
13.7 km
Take exit 广清高速/G107/花都/清远 toward 107国道/S110广清高速/G107/S110
Toll road
1.0 km
Keep left at the fork and merge onto 107国道/S110广清高速/G107/S110
Toll road
11.0 km
Keep left at the fork to continue on 107国道/G107
Partial toll road
2.2 km
Take the exit toward 庆槎路 0.4 km
Keep left to continue toward 庆槎路 0.1 km
Continue onto 庆槎路 0.2 km
Make a U-turn 0.3 km
Turn right onto 石丰路 0.8 km
Turn right onto 庆新一路
Destination will be on the right
0.3 km
Shijing, China
Map data ©2017
Taihe to Shijing road map

Taihe to Shijing flight distance miles / km

9.5 mi / 15.4 km
Also see in China

Taihe to Shijing car distance km / miles

32.4 km / 20.1 miles

Taihe to Shijing driving time

36 minutes

Taihe to Shijing average speed

52.6 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

2.43 liters

Fuel price calculator

3.64 €