Driving directions from Tapairihua, Peru to Soraya, Peru distance

Tapairihua, Peru
Head northwest on Trocha tapayrihua toward Trocha - Layme 2.6 km
Turn right 19.7 km
Turn right onto Route 30A 52.6 km
Slight right to stay on Route 30A 78 m
Merge onto Route 3S 9.8 km
Turn right 0.5 km
Turn left at the 1st cross street 0.5 km
Turn left 0.6 km
Turn left onto Route 3S 10.5 km
Keep left to continue on Route 30A 81.2 km
Soraya, Peru
Map data ©2023
Tapairihua to Soraya road map

Tapairihua to Soraya flight distance miles / km

11.5 mi / 18.5 km
Also see in Peru

Tapairihua to Soraya car distance km / miles

178.2 km / 110.7 miles

Tapairihua to Soraya driving time

3 hours 10 minutes

Tapairihua to Soraya average speed

56.1 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

13.36 liters

Fuel price calculator

20.04 €