Driving directions from Trige, Denmark to Galten, Denmark distance

Trige, Denmark
Head south toward Smedebroen 0.2 km
Turn left to stay on Smedebroen 0.1 km
Turn left onto Trige Centervej 0.2 km
Turn right onto Høgemosevej 3.8 km
Turn right onto Århusvej/Route 505 1.1 km
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto the E45/Route 15 ramp to Kolding/Aarhus V-S/Færge/Silkeborg 0.8 km
Merge onto Route 15/E45 8.0 km
At the interchange Århus Vest, keep right and follow signs for Route 15 toward Herning/Silkeborg 8.4 km
Take exit 23-Galten toward Galten 0.4 km
Turn right onto Klankvej
Go through 1 roundabout
0.3 km
At the roundabout, continue straight onto Klankvej/Østergårdsvej
Go through 1 roundabout
1.3 km
Turn left onto Smedeskovvej
Destination will be on the left
0.3 km
Galten, Denmark
Map data ©2023 Google
Trige to Galten road map

Trige to Galten flight distance miles / km

11.0 mi / 17.7 km
Also see in Denmark

Trige to Galten car distance km / miles

25.0 km / 15.5 miles

Trige to Galten driving time

22 minutes

Trige to Galten average speed

67.9 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

1.88 liters

Fuel price calculator

2.81 €