Driving directions from Wuxi, China to Changlu, China distance

Wuxi, China
Head north toward 迎龙路 18 m
Turn right onto 迎龙路 0.1 km
Sharp left to stay on 迎龙路 0.2 km
Turn right onto 五爱路 0.7 km
Turn right onto 人民西路 0.3 km
Continue straight onto 人民中路/人民路 0.9 km
Turn left onto 新生路 0.4 km
Turn right onto 县前东街 0.7 km
Continue straight onto 通江大道 5.7 km
Take the ramp to 沪宁高速公路/沪蓉高速公路/G42 0.2 km
Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Jiangyin Brg/江阴大桥/Jiang Yin Da Qiao/Beijing/北京
Toll road
0.4 km
Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Nanjing/南京
Toll road
1.3 km
Continue onto 沪宁高速公路/沪蓉高速公路/G42
Toll road
69.4 km
Keep left to stay on 沪宁高速公路/沪蓉高速公路/G42
Toll road
33.3 km
Keep left to stay on 沪宁高速公路/沪蓉高速公路/G42
Toll road
34.7 km
Keep left to stay on 沪宁高速公路/沪蓉高速公路/G42
Toll road
13.0 km
Take the exit toward Nanjinger Brg/南京二桥/Nan Jing Er Qiao/G36/G36/Jiangbei New Development Zone/江北新区/Jiang Bei Xin Qu 0.9 km
Merge onto 宁洛高速公路/G36
Toll road
22.1 km
Take the exit toward 新华东路 0.8 km
Turn left onto 新华东路 1.6 km
Turn left 21 m
Slight right 0.5 km
Turn right 0.1 km
Turn left 0.4 km
Turn right onto 炼油南路 64 m
Turn left
Destination will be on the left
0.1 km
Changlu, China
Map data ©2023
Wuxi to Changlu road map

Wuxi to Changlu flight distance miles / km

100.2 mi / 161.3 km
Also see in China

Wuxi to Changlu car distance km / miles

188.0 km / 116.8 miles

Wuxi to Changlu driving time

2 hours 12 minutes

Wuxi to Changlu average speed

85.4 km/h

Fuel consumption calculator

14.10 liters

Fuel price calculator

21.15 €